Hard Skills

Make Something!

So, I got out in the shop this weekend and here are the results. Honestly, they are pretty pathetic. The woodwork on the knife handle is sloppy, mis-cut and I will have to redo it. On the plus side, I peened the brass rod to hold the slabs on and it seems to have worked […]

My 10 cent knife project

So I finally got off my butt and got out in the workshop. This little project took about 30 minutes total, including design, layout and grinding. First, I took a hacksaw blade and drew it’s outline on graph paper. Then, using a pencil, I drew in the lines I wanted in a small neck knife. […]

10 cent knife…thinking outside the box

This is a simple, easy approach to a common problem, the need for a small, cheap blade for multiple kits. I plan to make one tonight. Resiliency requires us to be flexible in our identification of opportunity and in our approaches to problem solving and this is a great example. I also plan to use […]

Resilient Health Care

One of the most difficult areas to develop personal resiliency is in the area of health care. Few of us feel adequately prepared to meet the demands of even minor emergencies. So, what happens when the support structure we count on is on longer available? The modern 9-11 system we depend on and the EMT […]