
My family and I live at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, enjoy the outdoors and are beginning our journey towards resiliency through preparedness, alternate income sources and the development of a homestead and community involvement.

2 comments on “About

  1. That is a seriously ambitious plan, but I think the timeline is realistic and you’ve obviously put a lot of thought into it. I don’t know anything about agriculture; but I do have a fairly extensive background in business, entrepreneurship and law. If you haven’t already done
    so you’ll need expertise in 4 areas:

    – Accountant: Preferably someone well versed in working with small business and 501C(3) organizations to set some financial plans;

    – Commercial Real Estate Lawyer: Someone who knows the nuances of buying multi-use property in the desired location. A big expense but worth it because there are just so many things that can go wrong in development.

    – Business Lawyer: Someone to walk you through the details of starting and running businesses. If you are going to have a mix of for profit and non-profit enterprises you are really going to have to be careful as this can be a tax minefield.

    – Estate Planning Lawyer: Needed to set up trusts and such if this is going to be handed down as a going concern.

    You might be able to get all of the expertise in one bigger law firm, but expect to pay accordingly. In my neck of the woods rates for this type of service runs $400+ an hour but YMMV.

  2. How can a complete life overhaul not be ambitious! It will definitely be a stretch from my current life, and much of what I have laid out will not come to pass, or will be significantly modified. But, you have to start somewhere, right?

    It would be a significant coup for my endeavors if I could find one or two of the folks you suggest to take a stake in the enterprise in lieu of payment, but it may simply have to be part of our budgeted operating and start up expenses.

    I am actually nervous to begin laying out a proper business plan and budget. I figure I am at least 2 years from that point, but I can see from here all I don’t know but need to to be able to do that well.

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